All Human Beings Are Born Free and Equal

We are all aware that “All Human Beings Are Born Free and Equal in Dignity and Rights”, or should be. This is from Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This statement establishes the principle from which all other rights are derived. To find out more about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights click here to read the United Nations Global Compact

This is an environment in which staff and users of the services and site visitors, can expect to be treated with dignity and respect. It should be free from harassment, bullying, victimization and unlawful discrimination. The South West Fast Trackers regard any contrary behavior as unacceptable. Anyone found treating another individual with anything less than that dignity and respect may be:

  • Refused a service
  • Asked to leave where they are a visitor
  • Prosecuted under the law where we believe a criminal offence has been committed.


Welcome to South West Fast Trackers – the home of the best in the west!

The South West Fast Trackers are a highly motivated group of business leaders, visionaries and philanthropists who have achieved a common standard of excellence by completing the Christopher Howard Fast Track to Success. These people are so motivated and empowered, that put them in a room with a so called ‘problem’, and out will come a solution and a business model to turn it into a wealth making opportunity. Their network consists of speakers, coaches, masters and mentors in every conceivable discipline, and if they do not have the expertise you need, they know someone who does.

Their language is peppered with references and quotes from their business role models and mentors; people such as Warren Buffett, Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Donald Trump and Mark Victor Hanson. On their travels they visit exotic places such as Fiji, Maui and Cannes, and will likely have passport stamps from most of the continents of the world. They are exquisite communicators, and sprinkle their empowering metaphors with quotes from Dr Martin Luthor King Junior, Dale Carnegie, Mother Teresa and Gandhi.

Membership of this elite group is by invitation only, from an existing South West Fast Tracker. You can not apply to join, so there is no application form. You can not pay for membership, so please do not ask how much it costs. But if you want to belong to this exciting and empowered group, they can tell you what you need to do to become a success and so be eligible to be invited to join.

Welcome once again to the home of the South West Fast Trackers.